Would you prefer to read fiction that involves LGBT characters?  Are you looking for fiction ranging from romance to fantasy that has something other than mainstream development?  When you’re looking to download free and discounted LGBT ebooks, this is the place to go. Discover highly rated and acclaimed LGBT ebooks in this category, and our authors always bring you their ebooks for free or a heavily discounted price.


Definition of the "LGBT Genre": The ebooks in this category range all of the genres that we promote at eBookHounds, but their characters are from one (or more) of the LGBT communities.  Therefore, one could find a Contemporary Romance ebook in this genre, or a Horror novel.  These ebooks also address topics that are more germane to the LGBT community than other communities.  


Some examples of highly-rated ebooks in the LGBT genre are Sharon M. Draper (Out of My Mind), Catherine Ryan Hyder (The Language of Hoofbeats), and Alexa Land (Against the Wall).

Always Her (Lesbian Romance)

by Alexandra Delancey

Back at high school, Jack was the sexy, confident tomboy who always had a girlfriend, while Elise was the mainstream straight chick, who was never seen without her girly clique. But Elise had a secret yearning that she kept all to herself.

Four years later, Elise is at college far away from home. Her father has died and she wants to live a life that would make him happy. But when she bumps into Jack one night, all of her old feelings are reignited, and she’s not sure if she can keep them hidden away this time.



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