Historical Fiction

Historical Fiction

You love history.  You love history ebooks.  But, you also love fiction--and you're not afraid to admit it.  Why not have the best of both worlds? Authors who promote their Historical Fiction ebooks on our website always do so for free or at a discounted price.  Bestsellers, new releases, and authors you'll be glad to have discovered.  See the past through the eyes of these creative heroes!


Definition of "Historical Fiction Genre": The most important part of ebooks in this genre are their settings.  Yes, characters and plot matter.  But, beyond all else, the details associated with the setting must be accurate. This takes a tremendous amount of research and familiarity from the authors who delve into this genre of ebooks.  These ebooks can focus on actual historical figures, or they can insert more fictionalized elements into the plot.  It is always a balancing act between the history and fiction, and is something the best authors in this genre navigate with aplomb.  


Some examples of bestselling ebooks in the Historical Fiction genre are Erik Larson (Devil in the White City), Margaret Mitchell (Gone With the Wind), Patrick O'Brian (Aubrey/Maturin Novels), and Mary Renault (The Persian Boy).

The Lost Page: An Archaeological Thriller

by Joe Edd Morris

An unforgettable story of two courageous couples who risk everything for truth.

Amid a revolution, archaeologist Christopher Jordan and ancient manuscript expert Kathryn Ferguson travel to Syria in search of the original scroll of Marks’ Gospel. Paralleling their quest is the story of the evangelist’s escape with the scroll from the Roman siege of Jerusalem in 70 C.E., his struggles to complete the manuscript and his journeys and efforts with the daughter of Peter the Apostle to protect and save it for the ages. For both couples, time is running out and enemies are closing in.

Richly evocative and fiercely moving, this literary thriller explores the hard questions: Did Mark intentionally omit the resurrection story, leaving it shrouded in mystery? Or did it become detached and lost forever?

Discover the answer in The Lost Page.


Leizar: A Heartbreaking and gripping Jewish Family Saga

by David Gelernter

In 1843, amidst the squalor of a small shtetl in Russian-occupied Poland, a baby cries his first breath while his mother draws her last. Thus begins the extraordinary tale of Leizar Domansky, whose life and lineage span a century, witnessing seismic shifts in history and humanity.

From the pogrom-shadowed villages of Eastern Europe in the 19th century to post-WW2 suburban London, Leizar's journey is one of tenacity and resilience. An advocate for democracy, this writer confronts the darkest forms of persecution—pogroms, prison, and rampant antisemitism—alongside the harrowing challenges of two world wars. Facing Cossack cruelty, a violated wedding in Poland, rigged trials, and punishing captivity, Leizar's story is emblematic of the struggles of an entire people.

But amid the chaos and devastation, his heart beats with love and hope. Alongside his steadfast wife, Chaya, Leizar carves moments of tenderness and connection, building a family legacy that withstands the test of time and turmoil.

Dive into this evocative five-generation saga that captures the essence of survival, love, and the indomitable spirit of a family.

Historical Fiction readers are RAVING about this captivating Jewish Family Saga:

“The amazing and heart-rending story of a Jewish family through the generations from the 1800s to the end of WWII” –Netgalley Reviewer

“This is a tremendous, impossible to put down odyssey of the Domansky family, a poor Polish family living in the shtetl of Kawetchka…The story includes so many details about many of its characters, their voices are very clear and memorableThe historical accuracy of the story’s timeline and settings makes the book read as nonfiction. As Leizar moves from his tiny shtetl to Warsaw, then Berlin and finally the UK, the continual horrific threats to Jewish survival are profound. Galernter’s writing is as smooth as silk. Over 400 pages effortlessly melt into the reader’s heart and mind.” –Netgalley Reviewer

“I enjoyed reading this book very much…This is truly an unforgettable story of all four generations of the Domansky family…” –Netgalley Reviewer

 “This is such a powerful read about life for those who lived and died through the time Russia controlled Poland. He was born as his mother died and this book follows him as he grows up. An emotional roller coaster of a book but well worth it.” –Netgalley Reviewer

“Following this family’s story from Russia to England, is incredible! Heartfelt and beautifully written, this is a MUST READ, especially in today’s times! It can happen again! As LEIZAR says, NEVER EVER GIVE UP!” –Netgalley Reviewer


Switching Tracks: Out of the Trash (Train Hoppers Book 1)

by Lena Gibson

"Lena Gibson (the bestselling author of The Edge of Life) lays the tracks into an exciting new post-apocalyptic world where corporate greed controls the necessities of life, one ancient society's trash is today's salvation, and the heart of one heroine can save a country's soul." –D. Lambert, author of Son of No Man series

Life in SoCal in 2195 is controlled by a corporatocracy.

Elsa scavenges twenty-first-century trash, living on the edge of starvation in this ruthless world through her grit and instincts.

When she unearths a metal tube containing maps to six Doomsday seed bunkers and a silver key, she dreams of renewable sources of food and a life based on more than subsistence, but GreenCorps will stop at nothing to acquire her find. Accused of theft and beaten half to death, she escapes with a handsome train hopper. They seek the long-lost bunkers, hoping to break GreenCorps' monopoly on food.

Along the way, they receive help from a teenage pickpocket, a solitary widow, and a rebel leader. If this rag-tag group of lonely misfits cannot reclaim the tube and find a way to distribute the seeds, GreenCorps will continue to choke out any chance of a better life.

Hop aboard this thrilling dystopian train-hopping adventure with Switching Tracks.



Second Son (Second Son Chronicles Book 1)

by Pamela Taylor

"Historical fiction lovers will enjoy this real life Game of Thrones, a tale of knightly adventure." -Sublime Book Review

A quiet life of service is all he desires. But when peace becomes tenuous, his commitment to duty leads him to deadly danger…

14th century. Lord Alfred is content with his mundane destiny. Too far removed from the throne to ever ascend and more interested in scholarship, he still willingly accepts his kingly grandfather’s charge to execute a secret mission. But when his bid to protect the heir leaves him captive to a dangerous man, the young lordling fears he’ll see death before his family will pay any ransom.

Tormented by visions of never meeting his unborn child, a weary Alfred is forced to march farther and farther from home as his hope of escape grows desperate. So when he senses time running out, the modest noble girds himself to seize one last chance at freedom.

Can Alfred slip his bonds and survive a harrowing struggle towards all he holds dear?

Second Son is the historically inspired first book in the Second Son Chronicles of Renaissance fiction. If you like bracing adventures, heroes with a love of learning, and intricately detailed settings, then you’ll adore Pamela Taylor’s complex tale.

Buy Second Son to journey toward a mysterious fate today!



The System of the World: Volume Three of the Baroque Cycle

by Neal Stephenson

'Tis done.

The world is a most confused and unsteady place -- especially London, center of finance, innovation, and conspiracy -- in the year 1714, when Daniel Waterhouse makes his less-than-triumphant return to England's shores. Aging Puritan and Natural Philosopher, confidant of the high and mighty and contemporary of the most brilliant minds of the age, he has braved the merciless sea and an assault by the infamous pirate Blackbeard to help mend the rift between two adversarial geniuses at a princess's behest. But while much has changed outwardly, the duplicity and danger that once drove Daniel to the American Colonies is still coin of the British realm.

No sooner has Daniel set foot on his homeland when he is embroiled in a dark conflict that has been raging in the shadows for decades. It is a secret war between the brilliant, enigmatic Master of the Mint and closet alchemist Isaac Newton and his archnemesis, the insidious counterfeiter Jack the Coiner, a.k.a. Jack Shaftoe, King of the Vagabonds. Hostilities are suddenly moving to a new and more volatile level, as Half-Cocked Jack plots a daring assault on the Tower itself, aiming for nothing less than the total corruption of Britain's newborn monetary system.

Unbeknownst to all, it is love that set the Coiner on his traitorous course; the desperate need to protect the woman of his heart -- the remarkable Eliza, Duchess of Arcachon-Qwghlm -- from those who would destroy her should he fail. Meanwhile, Daniel Waterhouse and his Clubb of unlikely cronies comb city and country for clues to the identity of the blackguard who is attempting to blow up Natural Philosophers with Infernal Devices -- as political factions jockey for position while awaiting the impending death of the ailing queen; as the "holy grail" of alchemy, the key to life eternal, tantalizes and continues to elude Isaac Newton, yet is closer than he ever imagined; as the greatest technological innovation in history slowly takes shape in Waterhouse's manufactory.

Everything that was will be changed forever ...

The System of the World is the concluding volume in Neal Stephenson's Baroque Cycle, begun with Quicksilver and continued in The Confusion.


Hugh: A Hero without a Novel

by David Lawrence

"Intriguing, ambitious, and pretty damn delightful. I thoroughly enjoyed 'Hugh' and it gave me a lot to think about. This is a unique and exhilarating journey." 
– Alexis Hall, author of Boyfriend Material

From an old family trunk comes a manuscript which never saw the light of day. Its pages tell of a young man awakening to himself, his sexuality, and his world in this love letter to the era of Tom Jones.

The slightly spoiled, slightly poetical, slightly absurd son of an ambitious baronet, Hugh Entwistle possesses the wealth and connections to make him a success in Georgian England. But before pursuing a sinecure in the military, he will spend the summer of 1768 at his country estate – far from the turmoil in London this politically volatile year.

Only to discover a deeper, more profound turmoil within himself when he encounters the rebellious, and beautiful, son of the parish parson.

So begins the hilarious and heart-breaking collapse of a well-ordered world. 
Hugh paints a sprawling canvas of 18th century England – a world of wig powder and heeled slippers, of connivers and blackmailers, in which the search for Liberty will require Hugh to redefine the rules of the game.

Readers are enchanted with Hugh: A Hero without a Novel:

“Sui generis, thoroughly interesting, fabulously vivid in place and time. It’s extremely and realistically Georgian. A queer bildungsroman with more than a nod to 
Tom JonesTristram Shandy and the like. I found it absolutely fascinating...”
– KJ Charles, author of The Secret Lives of Country Gentleman (The Doomsday Books)

"'Hugh' is a deliciously satirical comedy, written in an antiquated syntax appropriate to the 18th century setting. At first entranced by, and then denied beauty, passion, and ecstasy (and what passion! ...the 
Sorrows of Young Werther came to mind...), Hugh becomes indifferent to offered pleasure until, at last, and in deathly fear of exposure, he attains the (outrageously, hilariously warped) Sublime." – Maria Huttenrauch, NetGalley Reviews

“…a work of queer historical archiving that’s as admirable and remarkable as its hero.” 
– Kirkus Reviews

“As good as the story is, and it’s a grand, queer coming-of-age story filled with colorful characters, voice and writing made it a 10-star novel for me. The quality of the writing and the spot-on timbre of the voice fully immerses the reader into Hugh’s world without a misstep in this seamless historical narrative.” 
– Coffee and Ink

“This book was everything I look for in a book. Page turning, as in couldn't put it down, intelligent, believable, made me laugh, made me cry and inspired my first ever book review. I'm not a man or gay but David Lawrence's writing helped me see each character. His books should be required reading.” 
– Belinda Alexander, NetGalley Reviews

“To set something like this account in the eighteenth century is no mean achievement. It is a work of literature and a tour de force.” 
– Briefstalk, Amazon Reviewer


The Shanghai Secret: A Gilded Age Mystery (The Tidewater Chronicles Book 1)

by Vanessa Lind

A cryptic legacy. A cursed history. A mystery yet unsolved…

In a Victorian seafaring town, secrets whisper in the salted air, and mysteries lurk in the shadows of the past. Jo Felch, the spirited daughter of a wealthy cannery owner, takes a daring leap into the world of newspaper reporting, guided by the mentorship of local publisher Cecil Wisener. Her first assignment: covering the trial of the notorious shanghaier, Jim Turk, accused of assaulting his maid, Birdie Magness.

But as Jo delves into the dark underbelly of her town, the lines between truth and deception blur. Birdie Magness vanishes, and Cecil Wisener is found murdered. Teaming up with a Pinkerton detective hired by Birdie's sister, Jo embarks on a perilous journey to unravel the intertwined mysteries. The corrupt police chief already has his suspect – Cecil's troubled wife, Stella, haunted by the disappearance of her son, Elton. As Jo struggles to piece together the puzzle, she uncovers a haunting secret from her own past that threatens her very life.

In the present day, Olivia Crawford, grappling with her own secrets, escapes the bustle of New York to settle her late Aunt Ingrid's estate on the West Coast. Drawn into a whirlwind of challenges, from a tempting offer to sell her aunt's bookshop to threats from a local fisherman vying for Ingrid's estate, Olivia is determined to forge a new path. But before she can escape, she must fulfill her aunt's last wish – completing the story that Jo Felch couldn't bring herself to finish.

As the past and present collide, Jo and Olivia navigate the treacherous waters of their own lives, connected by a narrative that transcends time and reveals the haunting truths that lie beneath the surface. Will they unravel the mysteries that bind them, or will the secrets of the past continue to cast long shadows into the present?

A gripping historical mystery that seamlessly weaves together two timelines, unraveling a tapestry of secrets, deception, and familial ties.


Joshua and the Chosen People (The Old Heroes Book 1)

by Ben Garrido

Joshua has inherited leadership of the Israelites and the divine imperative to provide them a homeland entirely their own. Before him, Jericho and the nations of Canaan glimmer with arms, wealth and impure blood. Can the soft-hearted Joshua clean away the pagans? Can his virtue persevere in the face of Israel's fearsome destiny? Can the Chosen People remain good so long as they remain chosen? Joshua and the Chosen People is a fictional retelling of the conquest of the Holy Land. Firmly committed to portraying the humanity of both conquerors and conquered, Joshua and the Chosen People will make you question the value of "proud heritage" and the nature of goodness.


The Quiet Hero: Bridge To Freedom

by George Drost

Set against the backdrop of the unspeakable atrocities of World War 2, John Anton Drost's true story unfolds and he emerges as a beacon of hope, defying adversity and persecution with unwavering courage. From his humble beginnings, this unsung hero embarks on a transformative journey that shapes and saves countless lives.

The Quiet Hero seamlessly combines riveting storytelling and meticulous attention to detail, ensuring it captivates both historical enthusiasts and curious readers alike. Immerse yourself in this unforgettable tale of courage, compassion, and the enduring power of the human spirit, and discover the indelible legacy of a quiet hero who defied the darkness of his time.



Northern Wolf (Northern Wolf Series Book 1)

by Daniel Greene

A broken man will be forged in the flames of war...

It is late 1862, and the United States has been ripped apart by civil war for over a year with no end in sight. The war is a distant thought to Johannes Wolf, a young German immigrant with a crippled leg keeping him off the muster lists.

Desperately dredging the gutters for recruits, Wolf cons his way into the depleted, demoralized, and poorly run Union army, and is promptly placed in the undesirable F Company of the 13th Michigan Cavalry.

Wolf's company find themselves riding with Custer and the Michigan Brigade on a collision course with master horseman J.E.B. Stuart and the Army of Northern Virginia in a small town in Pennsylvania, called Gettysburg.

Will they stand tall against the knights of the South and prove themselves worthy? Or will they fall beneath screaming bullets and sweeping blades, becoming more bloody fodder for a lost cause?

Northern Wolf is a thrilling, historical page-turner packed with detailed passages of battle, the horrors of war, and the struggle to discover oneself. Fans of Bernard Cornwell, Jeff Shaara, Simon Scarrow, and Steven Pressfield will be captivated by this powerful new series. Start the adventure today!


Daughter of the Empire (Riftwar Cycle: The Empire Trilogy Book 1)

by Janny Wurts

An epic tale of adventure and intrigue, 
Daughter of the Empire is fantasy of the highest order by two of the most talented writers in the field today.

Magic and murder engulf the realm of Kelewan.  Fierce warlords ignite a bitter blood feud to enslave the empire of Tsuranuanni.  While in the opulent Imperial courts, assassins and spy-master plot cunning and devious intrigues against the rightful heir.  Now Mara, a young, untested Ruling lady, is called upon to lead her people in a heroic struggle for survival.  But first she must rally an army of rebel warriors, form a pact with the alien cho-ja, and marry the son of a hated enemy.  Only then can Mara face her most dangerous foe of all—in his own impregnable stronghold.


Hair of the Dog: Revenge of Deanie O'Banion

by Jean Luntz

A roaring historical, romantic adventure with seances and gangsters…

1920’s Chicago, Gregory Davenport is a gentle soul whose life is music, playing the sax, and piano in the brothers’ speakeasy. He’s only been involved in the family business with his seances, like most, staged for the participants. But after a brush with death during a raid by the Italian gangsters, Gregory gets two gifts from the ghost of his murdered Irish gangleader cousin. He becomes a real medium, able to channel the dead, and he gets one chance to go back in time.

In other words, he has the opportunity to prevent wrongs that will happen to his family, friends, and the gal he loves, while also solving several murders and righting injustices. It’s no easy task, Gregory learns as he attempts to save his older brother from a grim fate, prevent star-crossed gang member lovers from being assassinated, as well as protect his beloved Irene and her family from the coming Great Depression and being collateral damage in George “Bugs” Moran and Al Capone’s war over Chicagoland. No one knows whether or not Gregory’s attempts to alter the future will work as he navigates the seedy streets of Chicago until events conclude for the second time.

It’s A Wonderful Life meets Romeo and Juliet during late Prohibition gangster era. Will Gregory’s second chance prevent tragedy, pave the way for Deanie O’Banion’s revenge, and begin the downfall of Al Capone?

Hair of the Dog features seances with actual dead, murder with mayhem, second chances, and plenty of atmosphere as a traditional and an mm gangster romance develop.



The Nature of Fragile Things

by Susan Meissner

April 18, 1906: A massive earthquake rocks San Francisco just before daybreak, igniting a devouring inferno. Lives are lost, lives are shattered, but some rise from the ashes forever changed.

Sophie Whalen is a young Irish immigrant so desperate to get out of a New York tenement that she answers a mail-order bride ad and agrees to marry a man she knows nothing about. San Francisco widower Martin Hocking proves to be as aloof as he is mesmerizingly handsome. Sophie quickly develops deep affection for Kat, Martin's silent five-year-old daughter, but Martin's odd behavior leaves her with the uneasy feeling that something about her newfound situation isn't right.

Then one early-spring evening, a stranger at the door sets in motion a transforming chain of events. Sophie discovers hidden ties to two other women. The first, pretty and pregnant, is standing on her doorstep. The second is hundreds of miles away in the American Southwest, grieving the loss of everything she once loved.

The fates of these three women intertwine on the eve of the devastating earthquake, thrusting them onto a perilous journey that will test their resiliency and resolve and, ultimately, their belief that love can overcome fear.

From the acclaimed author of 
The Last Year of the War and As Bright as Heaven comes a gripping novel about the bonds of friendship and mother love, and the power of female solidarity.


Black Fox One: A Gripping WW2 Story of Love, Resistance, and Courage (Project 613)

by Elyse Hoffman

A deadly mission to hunt down the resistance's top soldier will make SS Officer Jonas Amsel question everything he kills for...

Jonas Amsel and Avalina Keller, devoted Nazis and best friends, have a bright future in Hitler’s Third Reich. Ava, a talented gymnast, wants to serve Germany in the Olympics, and Jonas, who has loved Ava since they were children, wants nothing more than to marry her and start a family. When he is about to propose, however, Ava and her entire family vanish without a trace.

Jonas blames the Jews for Ava’s disappearance and throws himself into a career in the Nazi Party. He serves the Reich under the ruthless Chief of the Gestapo, Reinhard Heydrich. Jonas becomes particularly good at capturing members of the Black Foxes, an anti-Nazi resistance group, earning Heydrich’s respect and the moniker of “the Fox Hunter.”

Impressed by Jonas’ skills, Heydrich gives him his most difficult task yet: capture the elusive Black Fox One, the Black Foxes’ most deadly and mysterious operative. No Nazi who has pursued Black Fox One has returned alive, but Jonas is determined and confident. Capturing Black Fox One might bring him one step closer to finding Ava.

But while he is hunting Black Fox One, Jonas makes a shocking discovery, forcing him to make an agonizing decision. He must choose between his love for the Reich and his heart, torn between the lies he has been taught all his life and the new truth before him.

Black Fox One is a thrilling World War II story of lost love, bravery, and the hard road to redemption.

Reviewers Adore Black Fox One

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “A terrific, fast paced story that will grab and hold your attention! The story is suspenseful and I could not put this book down! A great read. I highly recommend this book.”– NetGalley Reviewer

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “Elyse did it again. This historical fiction was phenomenally written, heart-wrenching, and action-packed. You start out with a young Ava and Jonas and watch as their relationship blooms. There's confusion, separation, heartbreak, and an amazing redemption. Truly a wonderful story, I cannot wait to read more.”– Goodreads reviewer

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “Hoffman delivers an incredible twist and Jonas uncovers a truth that tears apart his life and what he has always believed to be true. He is left with the dilemma of staying loyal to his country and the Nazis or being true to his heart and his love for Ava. Hoffman very cleverly shows through her characters that what we think we know and what we believe to be true can be subterfuge and that we need to be careful not to lose our ability to question and hold others to account. Much of the story could be applied to the world today. A fantastic read and a fantastic author.”– Goodreads reviewer

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “The story was unique and a fascinating twist on WWII novels. I loved how both sides were represented…I then realized how perfectly I was set up for Jonas’ deep introspection into Jews and the powerful change that came over him. Well played. Do you follow your heart or your family? Where do your loyalties lie? Could you turn your back on everything you’ve ever known for love?”– NetGalley Reviewer

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “An engaging story of lost love and the long road of redemption.” – NetGalley Reviewer



Lessons from the Sidewalk: Encounters with the Discarded

by Barry Robbins

"In the mundane, history whispers,
Find lessons where discarded lingers.
Through forgotten objects, reflections appear,
Of icons we thought we knew, now seen clear."

"This magnificent book..." - Readers' Favorite

Welcome to "Lessons from the Sidewalk: Encounters with the Discarded," where ordinary discarded items whisper tales of life, legacy, and the intrinsic human connection to the simplest of things. Picture Leonardo da Vinci captivated by a forsaken yo-yo or Winston Churchill pondering life upon sighting a battered trash can. Can such commonplace things hold a mirror to the colossal figures of history and culture?

Navigate through intimate encounters where giants from diverse epochs, from Napoleon Bonaparte to Hamlet, confront the ordinary, revealing unexpected, profound truths about ambition, existence, and the perennial human spirit.

In each chapter, embark on an unusual expedition through time and personality, exploring the shared experiences that universally bind us. What you'll find is a world where the neglected is given a voice, the ordinary is transformed into the extraordinary, and legendary figures are viewed through a strikingly new prism.

Join us in a journey where your own reflections may surface in the unanticipated crevices of history and daily life, inviting you to perceive yourself and the world around you with fresh eyes.



The Lost Bookshop

by Evie Woods

The Echo of Old Books meets The Lost Apothecary in this evocative and charming novel full of mystery and secrets.

‘The thing about books,’ she said ‘is that they help you to imagine a life bigger and better than you could ever dream of.’

On a quiet street in Dublin, a lost bookshop is waiting to be found…

For too long, Opaline, Martha and Henry have been the side characters in their own lives.

But when a vanishing bookshop casts its spell, these three unsuspecting strangers will discover that their own stories are every bit as extraordinary as the ones found in the pages of their beloved books. And by unlocking the secrets of the shelves, they find themselves transported to a world of wonder… where nothing is as it seems.

Readers have fallen in love with The Lost Bookshop:

‘Beautifully written and captures the wonder and awe that a story can bring to its reader…a delightful story for any book lover…an ode to storytelling and the connections that books can make!’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

‘Wowwww!! It’s been awhile since I read something so fascinating, captivating and special all in one…It takes you on a journey like most books do, but this one, I just want to inscribe on my back and hope that it becomes a part of me so that I can carry it with me always’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

‘A must read for readers that love books’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

‘A beautiful story that begs to be read in one sitting…a magical story filled with beautiful prose and many surprises that readers will not soon forget’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

‘This spellbinding book hooked me from the very beginning and I couldn't put it down til the end’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

‘A love story, one with books and booklovers at its heart. A warm, wonderful novel that sweeps up the reader into an absorbing, magical tale’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

‘If you enjoy books by the Brontë sisters … then I would fully recommend you read this book’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

‘This novel has it all: wit, a dash of magic, and a large heart. A fantastic read’⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


Defending Our Home: A Small Town Post Apocalypse EMP Thriller Boxset

by Colton Lively

In a world ravaged by an unprecedented EMP onslaught, only the fiercest courage, unbreakable family bonds, and noble sacrifices can ignite a blazing trail of hope.

Desperate to escape the icy grip of the city, Jane Dove leads her family through the treacherous terrain, driven by the hope of finding safety and warmth in a small, remote cabin outside Aspen, Colorado. With only their horses and sheer determination as their guide, they embark on a perilous journey that will test their resilience and bond like never before.


Witch of the Federation Boxed Set Two: Books 9-16 (Witch of the Federation Boxed Sets Book 2)

by Michael Anderle

The Telorans have arrived, and people in the Federation are going to die.

Vishlog is working to understand the Morgana group, and just what he has “volunteered” to be part of.

Hopefully, he won't die before he learns.

The Witch of the Federation has matured, and she has learned how to be a bit more aggressive. She chooses to use this new strength...to go on a date.

Join her on the second half of her adventures with this 8-book boxed set!


Will Todd be able to handle the new Stephanie, or will even the Toddster succumb to fear when and if the Morgana reveals herself?

Stephanie and her team need a break, but the Federal Navy comes to Elizabeth, hat in hand, to ask for a favor.

Unfortunately, it requires the team to go active earlier than they should. Will they accept?

Will Stephanie's team be able to defend the Federation?

She is a MORGANA. There are no other alternatives, no matter the risk to her and her team.

Included in this boxed set:

  1. New Alliances
  2. No More Options
  3. Wrong Enemy To Hunt
  4. The Shark In The Deep Dark
  5. The Leviathan Comes Online
  6. Rise of the Witch
  7. An Enemy Uncovered
  8. The Final Solution

Scroll UP and click Read Now or Read for Free to learn the history of the Federation's first human Witch!



The Vengeance of Samuel Val: A Gripping and Heart-Breaking WW2 Story (Project 613)

by Elyse Hoffman

Samuel Val is blessed with a loving family and a tight-knit community in his Jewish village of Khruvina. He dreams of becoming Khruvina’s Rabbi, but his dreams are crushed when his family is slaughtered by Nazi Officer Viktor Naden, the Beast of Belorussia.

With Samuel left as Khruvina’s only survivor, he joins the anti-Nazi resistance group known as the Black Foxes. Determined to avenge his family, he swears to hunt down and destroy Viktor Naden. Samuel’s mission of vengeance, however, is put on hold when he is forced to escort a Jewish refugee to a safehouse operated by Black Fox Ten, a high-ranked member of the resistance.

While on his mission to save a life, Samuel discovers that the Beast of Belorussia might be closer than he thought. All at once, Samuel is given the chance to destroy Viktor Naden…but the cost will be high.

Will Samuel sell his soul for vengeance?

Award-winning author Elyse Hoffman offers a heart-breaking and thought-provoking WW2 story.



Weapons of Wyn: A Woman's Viking Era Adventure (Wyn Series Book 1)

by Demery Matthews

A chance at love blooms when two worlds collide.

860 AD --- A captive sixteen-year-old Ængle-Briton woman on a Viking ship somewhere in the North Sea. She is one of the only survivors of a brutal raid upon her English village and is haunted by the faces of her loved ones. The reason for their deaths is Eirīkr, the commander of the ship.

A Viking warrior of twenty-five years, Eirīkr is strong, reliable, and a fierce fighter. He also possesses a thoughtful and caring nature the young captive could never have imagined.

Determined to survive her new life amongst the enemy, she hopes to return home. She doesn’t expect to develop feelings for Eirīkr, who respects and admires her strong will. Can she ever be with a man who has caused so much pain and death?

Unlike many Viking Age novels that center on warriors and battle thirst, Weapons of Wyn is the story of a woman’s journey during this perilous time. If you enjoy historical fiction and slow-burn romances, you’ll love Weapons of Wyn.



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